But as God often does, He had something up his sleeve for me when I hit the third question: ‘Lord do I have the faith to believe (what You are promising us by leading us in this direction)?’ I’m a verbal processor, so I often don’t find out what I’m really thinking or feeling until I start speaking or, in this case, writing. So when I read what I’d written: ‘Probably not. If by faith you mean I’ll be surprised or even crushed if it doesn’t happen, then no’ I was surprised, but knew when I asked myself if I really meant it, that I did. Not a great answer for someone-a missionary, for crying out loud-who is supposed to be living on faith, believing that God not only can, but WILL do the impossible to further His kingdom.
Some of you may remember that one of the lessons God taught me in my DTS had to do with asking ‘why not?’ when faced with the impossible. Instead of analyzing and criticizing and finding reasons why God is not behind something or why He won’t do something I’m hoping for, He called me to say ‘why not-why wouldn’t He? Why couldn’t He? He’s God-strong, loving, the whole deal.’ So seeing this on my paper was a little like an alcoholic coming to himself and finding that he’s sitting on a barstool with a beer in hand. Really, Beth? We’ve been through this! So I asked God why, and He showed me that ever since I put it all on the line-fasting, praying, crying, you name it-praying for God to save my marriage and He said, effectively, ‘no,’ I’ve been believing a lie. Instead of learning the healthy, true lesson that God does not always say yes and that that’s ok-that He’s God and does, in His ultimate strength and love, what pleases Him (which is ultimately what is best for me and the kingdom-as it was, in fact, in that case) I began to agree with George Gershwin… ‘a mighty God’s above (and will step in) but not for me’
But praise God, like that alcoholic, I’m going for ‘progress, not perfection’ and God is giving me, every day, a new chance to believe the truth and not the lie. Especially now that I know what it is. So here goes…see ya, Mr Gershwin.
Praise God with Me:
+for how He continually draws and teaches me these lessons, no matter how many times I end up back on that barstool :).
+for the new couple He added to my partnership team (financial and prayer supporters) and the potential partner He may be raising up.
+for the anonymous donor who paid my base fees for my time at our Salem, OR base (I’m going out for 2 months to train with the head of ropes course ministry in YWAM and to sit for two ropes certifications) and the other smaller but just as awesome ways He’s provided for me in the past few months as I’ve prepared for this trip.
Pray with Me:
+that God will provide the rest of what I need for my Salem trip-I leave Friday (3/5) and I still need several hundred dollars.
+that God will order my steps and help me to accomplish all I need to before I leave- I’ve just started to schedule for the 2010 season and have to put that on hold to go to Salem; our inspection is scheduled the week after I get back, and I need to pack and study, among other things.
+that God will be my strength (and that I would look to and rely on Him to be) as I’m in Salem, and especially when I travel to Seattle at the end of my trip to study and test for my Levels 1& 2 Association for Challenge Course Technology certifications.
+that God will step in (and that I will believe that He will) and do all that He desires to do in our ministry through the ropes course.